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The Burka and Technology: The Impact of Social Media on Women’s Perception of the Garment

The burka, a full-body veil worn by some Muslim women, has become a subject of debate and controversy in many societies. One of the issues often discussed is the impact of technology, particularly social media, on women’s perception of the garment. In this essay, we will explore the impact of social media on women’s perception of the burka, and the ways in which technology is shaping the discourse around this controversial garment.

Social Media and the Burka

Social media has had a significant impact on the discourse around the burka and its role in society. Platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube have become important spaces for Muslim women to express their views and experiences of wearing the burka, and for non-Muslims to engage with these perspectives.

One of the ways in which social media has impacted the discourse around the burka is by providing a platform for Muslim women to share their stories and experiences. Many Muslim women have taken to social media to share their perspectives on wearing the burka, including the challenges and rewards of wearing the garment, and the ways in which it is perceived by others.

Additionally, social media has also become a space for non-Muslims to engage with and learn about the burka. Many individuals who may not have had direct exposure to the burka or to Muslim communities more broadly are now able to learn about the garment and its role in Muslim culture through social media platforms.

Impact of Social Media on Women’s Perception of the Burka

Social media has had a complex impact on women’s perception of the burka. On the one hand, social media has provided a platform for Muslim women to share their perspectives and experiences of wearing the burka, which has helped to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions about the garment.

However, social media has also contributed to the perpetuation of negative stereotypes and prejudices about the burka. The anonymity and distance provided by social media can allow individuals to express negative opinions and stereotypes without consequence, contributing to the spread of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim sentiment.

Additionally, social media can also contribute to the pressure on Muslim women to wear the burka or to conform to certain beauty standards. Many Muslim women on social media feel pressure to present a certain image or to conform to certain expectations, which can contribute to feelings of insecurity and self-doubt.

Finally, social media can also contribute to the commodification and commercialization of the burka. Many influencers and fashion brands have used the burka as a marketing tool, contributing to the perception of the garment as a fashion statement rather than a cultural or religious symbol.


Social media has had a significant impact on the discourse around the burka and its role in society. While it has provided a platform for Muslim women to share their perspectives and experiences of wearing the garment, it has also perpetuated negative stereotypes and contributed to the commodification of the burka.

Ultimately, it is important to approach the issue of the burka and technology with sensitivity and respect for diverse cultural and religious beliefs. By promoting open and respectful communication on social media platforms and encouraging diverse voices to be heard, we can foster greater understanding and empathy between individuals from different backgrounds and perspectives.

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